

  • Top Tips For Budding Actors & Actresses
  • acting classes London

Top Tips For Budding Actors & Actresses

The start of a new year is the perfect time to learn a new skill or foster a new interest, so with this in mind why don’t you consider signing up for some acting classes in London. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your new hobby.

Go to the theatre

If you want to learn more about acting and how you can become good at it yourself, it makes perfect sense to go to as many theatre productions as you can so you can see how the professionals do it. You’re sure to pick up lots of brilliant ideas that you can then taking to your acting classes with you.

Amateur dramatics

If you want to put the skills you’re learning to the test, why not bite the bullet after you’ve had a couple of classes and sign up for a part with your local amateur dramatics society. You may only get a bit part to start but the more you practice and the more classes you go to, the better you’ll get.

Be confident

There’s no place for nerves and low self-esteem when you’re on the stage. You have to have confidence in yourself in order to be able to stand up and act out a part, so work on letting go and being more free and open within yourself.

For further advice and information on the different types of acting classes we have to offer, get in touch with us here at City Acting today.

  • acting classes London