

  • An immersive performance in Canterbury's secret places
  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • actorscommunity theatreparticipative theatreyouth theatre

An immersive performance in Canterbury's secret places

Canterbury at dusk, hooded figures rise in the city’s deepening shadows, ghosts of the old creed banished from the kingdom. The hunter and the hunted seek the signs which will unlock the doors hiding the truths of this restless world. What are ‘the strangers’ who share the new creed doing here? Why have they fled? A boy’s fate is sealed as a cold hand of history hauls him down into the darkness.

Guided by hooded avatars, Creed Of Spies fuses promenade play and an immersive experience for the audience to unlock the secrets of some of Canterbury’s most precious artefacts that conspired to shape the life and death of its most celebrated son, Christopher Marlowe.

Join The Marlowe Youth Theatre for a dramatic journey through the streets, up the walls and into the secret places of Canterbury.This is a promenade performance in a number of venues across Canterbury, starting in The Marlowe Foyer. Professional and amateur actors will welcome you within this fun and cultural theatrical piece.



  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • actorscommunity theatreparticipative theatreyouth theatre