

Mind in Body Methodology for Actors

Mind in Body is a methology for actors in order to integrate as a unity the techniques of Shri Vivek Yoga, meditation and techniques of Tantra. It is a holistic approach that brings all the attention of the mind to observe the body and its needs of expression at all times.

Mind in Body methodology is a very useful tool when only for the moment when you’re acting, but also for our complex lives. And just like everything else in life, the result should come through effort and by the habit we’re willing to create for ourselves. Only through habitual attitude do responsability, trust, gratitude and self-esteem increase.

At the end of the workshop students will have learned to explore the basic integration of the human being : body, mind and energy, and merge it with the needs of the actor’s profession. You will learn to get out of the habit of devaluating yourself and others through comparison and competition. It deepens your self-awareness and self-acceptance. When you see and recognize yourself as you are, then rises a natural instinct of self-concentration and automatically the presence of oneself.

The habit of being ‘mind in body’ gives you as well an automatic effect of saving energy. So you will learn to be nothing more than your actions, as a need that the present demands. It is a very important thing for acting, because it requires discipline and complete presence. With Mind in Body’s technique you’ll be trained to see the parts of your body that require action and the parts that need to be relaxed.

Seeing the causes and consequences of everything you do, is the state of Mind in the Body. As a consequence you’ll increase self-confidence, overcome shyness and stage-fright ; you’ll control your voice, and have a good presence on stage. This is the goad of this workshop as a substantial technique to develop the skills of your acting.

Contact ishat.jgd@gmail.com

Roundabout Drama Therapy Turning Lives Around

Roundabout is the largest and most successful charity of its kind in the UK. Their mission is to use drama therapy to provide psychological, educational and artistic benefits to a wide range of disadvantaged people throughout Greater London. They are the only organisation in the UK that offers tailor-made professional facilitated drama therapy sessions to such a wide range of audiences, from individuals to groups of all ages.

Drama therapy includes verbal and non-verbal practices. It makes use of a wide range of theatrical and dramatic techniques, such as story-telling, story-making, enactment, improvisation, role-play, mime, puppetry, movement, music and voice work.

The general aims of Roundabout drama therapy sessions include: building trusting relationships, expressing and exploring feelings, developing social interaction skills, developing artistic and creative skills, improving self-image and self-confidence, working with the imagination and having fun!

Roundabout therapists regularly present their clinical work and research to conferences both throughout the UK and internationally. The dram therapists are registered with the Health and Care Profession Council (HCPC).They work according to the British Association of Drama Therapists' Code of Ethical Practise. 
