

  • BFI London Film Festival
  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • film festivalscreen actingtheatre festival

BFI London Film Festival

Here it comes again, the British Film Institute Festival is starting soon 5-16 October 2016. This year, the BFI London Film Festival celebrates its 60th anniversary.

Every film selected is chosen on the basis that the programme team believes in it, recognizes something exceptional about it. The Institute want to champion these filmmakers, to inspire, challenge and entertain audiences. It looks for cinema that reaches beyond our own experience, into new worlds and invented narratives. It actively seek out diversity, believing that all people have a desire, indeed a right, to see their stories on screen.

Immediately following the Festival, the BFI will launch the UK's biggest ever season of film and television dedicated to celebrating the range, versatility and power of black actors - Black Star. They want to amplify the ambitions and the purpose of the Black Star programme at the Festival.

Not only to celebrate black acting achievement, but to ask the searching questions that underpin this season. Questions about opportunity and aspiration, about the power to decide. Questions that have become increasingly urgent over the course of this year, intensified by the Black Lives Matter movement and by world events, including those close to home.

  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • film festivalscreen actingtheatre festival