

  • Performance course at the Slade School of Fine Art
  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • performances

Performance course at the Slade School of Fine Art

Performance in a visual arts context embraces many different activities and approaches to making live work. Artists coming from background as diverse as sculpture, painting, dance, theatre, musics and film converge in this radical, contentious area with its multiple histories and contexts. 

Performance is a vibrant field that draws from and feeds into other disciplines. The Slade School of Fine Art is offering a one week course that will be of value to all and any artists and performers who want a fresh take on their own practice as well as those dedicated to performance, whether working alone or in collaboration.

Each day will begin with a practical workshop conducted by Gary Stevens where the participants work together to develop and explore ideas. The afternoon sessions will begin with short presentations to introduce key themes and issues with examples of performances. Students will then explore ideas of their own with practical and critical support from the group.

This summer course is open to all and runs from Monday 18 July - 22 July.
Course Leader Gary Stevens - Fees £360. For all information and registration http://www.ucl.ac.uk/slade/shortcourses/summer-school

  • Post author
    Sophie Brun
  • performances